Please Help Me Reach My Goal!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Ups and Downs...

I never thought I would be a Navy wife. My husband talked about joining the Navy before we even got engaged. I wouldn't hear of it! The thought of him leaving me alone just did not fly with me. It would take five years for him to win me over with the idea. When he approached me one final time with the idea I was in school, pregnant with our second child, and trying to potty-train our two-year-old daughter. I could see in his eyes that he wanted to do this very badly so I agreed. In the past almost three years I have seen my husband thrive in this new career of his. I've never been more proud. With this new life comes new challenges. There came long separations, moving to a new place, and more separations. You learn that when they come home it takes some time for everyone to readjust to "a normal life". You have to get used to living with them again and vice versa. You get so used to doing things by yourself that when they return you have to get used to having help again. It can be a very frustrating process, but one that comes with a lot of growing and understanding. In the end you realize how strong you and your family really are, and learn to never underestimate that strength.
With Daddy...
Without Daddy...
Whatever the situation...we are and will always be a family.

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