Please Help Me Reach My Goal!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Today was an off day. I just couldn't get it together today for some reason. I am missing Kevin, and missing home (Chattanooga, TN). New England is SO different than the south. We got back from taking Gyllian to school, and went with my friend, Stacy, to pick up my new bathing suit. When we got back I decided that instead of putting Sam down for a nap, I would take him to the park. We had a good time until...

A thunderstorm came along and sent us packing.

Oh well, at least we got a little big of sunshinetime. After that, it was boring, boring, boring. I am so ready for the, HOT weather to be here. I believe the kids and I will be living at the beach this summer. It won't be as fun without Kevin, but we can make the best of it. Once again the house is quiet, and I am alone with my thoughts. That can be very dangerous. I start to wonder what Kevin is doing and if he is ok. I think tonight I will download a movie from NetFlix and try to keep my mind off of things.

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