Please Help Me Reach My Goal!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Third Time's the Charm...

This pregnancy is already so different from the first two. With my daughter, Gyllian, I was sick for six months straight, and didn't show until my fifth month. With my son, Sam, I was only sick for the first trimester (and that was only if I didn't keep food in my mouth 24/7), and started to show right at the end of my third month. With this baby, no vomiting yet, but I've already had to lose my belt! Now mind you I was already a little over weight when I got pregnant, but not to the point where I couldn't wear a belt! I asked Gyllian what she thought I was having. She sat there and thought for minute before replying, "You're having two babies!" I tell say the craziest things...I hope! :)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Wait is Over...

So, I had been waiting to take a certain test, and boy were my nerves about to get the best of me. Sunday night, I couldn't sleep. I kept tossing and turning. I just wanted to close my eyes and Monday be here. Finally, the day came!!! I got up and took this certain test. I refused to look at it for quite some time, but when I did I saw this...

I couldn't believe it!!! After only one try, we are expecting baby number three!!! Three days later I turned the big 3-0. I don't think there could have been a better birthday present! The hubby of course was out to sea, so the kids and I celebrated together with a cake that my friend, Annie, bought for me.

It wasn't much, but it was fun! Then I figured since I was four weeks along exactly, I would get my first side view pic. I'm going to do them every month so that I can see the belly in progress. According to Gyllian, I'm having TWO babies!!!

Kevin returned Friday and we've been getting back into the groove of things. He won't have to go back out to sea for quite some time. Let the shopping begin!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


I feel like I am always waiting. Waiting for Kevin, waiting for Gyllian, waiting in get the idea. Now I am waiting for something else, and the time just drags on by. I'm trying to keep busy. I've been cleaning the house like a fiend, went to a movie last night, and today I have errands to run. I've never really been a patient person, so this is KILLING me! If only I had a time machine...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Year, New Dreams...

I am so glad that 2010 is here! 2009 was a stinker!!! I have a lot of plans for 2010 that I can't wait to get into motion. Kevin will be home for most of the year so we will actually be able to fun things with the kids this summer! Although it started off bumpy, I am determined to make this year a great one! I just returned from a trip to Tennessee to visit my grandparents. Although it's circumstances weren't ideal, it was wonderful to see them. We also were able to visit my dearest friends! It was so great to see them!!! We got back Monday night, and Gyllian returned to school today. My mother traveled with us so that I wouldn't have to do it alone, and she left today. Gyllian did NOT want to get out of the car!!! I had to get out and physically remove her. I felt bad for her, but she could not afford to miss anymore school. Then it was off to Providence to drop my mom off at the airport. It's nice to back home and on schedule. We are VERY routine oriented and traveling messes us up. Now that we are home, it's time to start moving forward with my resolutions. A new year, a new...